Vicar's Message

Welcome to ACK St. Peter's Cathedral Website. I am glad you have chosen to spend a few moments looking around, discovering our church family. As we describe ACK Cathedral Nyeri to people, I use words like ‘community’ and ‘family.’
We are a group of people committed to following Jesus. That means we worship him with vigor and joy. That means we encourage prayer in church and throughout life. That means we love people outside the church through generosity, invitation, and compassion.
Our hope is that all people will feel loved and welcomed at ACK St Peters CathedralNyeri. And once here, we pray that people will meet God and as a result of meeting God, give their lives to Jesus Christ. We want that for you. Come as you are. Check us out, but more importantly, seek the truth of God that can only be known when one knows Jesus.
While you are browsing our website, you will learn about our programs and get a glimpse of who we are, but only a glimpse. To fully understand us, come to a worship service or to a small group and feel the up-close, in-person fellowship that comes when people share time together with the Holy Spirit present. Enjoy the website, then come. We’d love to meet you and know you.As Christians we know that God is One. We know that he has revealed himself in nature, in his Word, in his people, but mostly through his Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is God the son. God the Father and God the Son are One, two personalities , one essence. We believe that the Holy Spirit who God gave to us is One with the Father and the Son, that these three are God and there is no other God.

Order of Services

Time Service Place
7:30 AM - 9:00 AMEnglishMain Church
9:15 AM - 10:45 AMKiswahiliMain Church
11:00 AM - 12:30 PMKikuyuMain Church
8:00 AM - 9:45 AMYouthOld Church
5:15 - 6:15 PM Mid-Week Service Main Church
Note:Sunday School service runs concurrently with English, Kiswahili and Kikuyu services respectively in their classes.
Follow our services live from our Facebook page, ACK St. Peter's Cathedral.Nyeri.

Latest Sermon

Sunday, 1st September 2024
Title: English Service
Ven. Canon Isaac M. Wanjii

Word of Encouragement

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Events and Notices

  • Click here to check our Covid-19 response measures.

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